Category Final Year Project


  • Abstract is just like the advertisement of your article. 
    • One of the most important parts of your paper.
    • Make it interesting and easy to be understood without reading the whole article.
  • Although it comes first, wait to write the abstract when the paper is completed.
  • The abstract is the first thing editors and referees look at. The first impression is very important!
  • Most scholars skim papers by reading it first.
  • Papers with uninteresting abstracts are not read or downloaded much (even if the rest is great!); Hence, they are not cited much either.
  • Do not copy and paste from the introduction or conclusion sections.
  • The quality of an abstract will strongly influence the reviewer’s decision.
  • Usually 150-300 words

Abstract need to contain all of this to summarise your thesis:

  • Introduction
  • Problem
  • Purpose of the project
  • Solution/technique/method
  • Methodology used
  • Result and key conclusions
  • Importance (contribution) of the project
  • Future work

Example of abstracts:


This report represents a Prediction of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus using Machine Learning technique. It is obligatory for a Muslim who is physically and mentally capable for performing prayer five times a day. For Muslim travellers, who are in a state of Musafir, it is permissible for them to perform Jama’ and Qasr prayers if their journey exceeds two marhalah which is equivalent to 81 kilometres. Allah SWT bestows leniency to Muslims to shorten prayer which is shortening the four rakaat prayer into two rakaat. However, some Muslim travellers are not aware of the distance that they travelled already exceeded two marhalah which qualify them to perform Jama’ and Qasr. Therefore, this project aims to develop a mobile application called E-Muslim Traveller that measures the distance (in kilometres) travelled in real time and find the nearest mosque from the user’s current location. This will make it easier for Muslim travellers to manage their travelling when they know they are eligible to perform Jama’ and Qasr ahead of time. Mobile Application Development Life Cycle (MADLC) methodology is used as a guideline along the progress of the project which is very suitable when developing an application. To calculate the distance travelled in real time, this project relies on Google Cloud Platform and GPS to get the coordinates needed for the calculation. When the distance travelled exceeds 81 kilometres, the user will be notified that they are eligible to perform the prayers. To get the distance of the nearest mosque from the user’s location, Haversine method is being used because it is more suitable to calculate the distance between two locations on the Earth’s surface. After the project has been developed, user evaluation is conducted, and the overall feedback is positive. At the end of this project, looking back, the objective has been successfully achieved. However, there are still some limitations that have been identified and future improvement that can be made. 


Since the COVID-19 outbreak are spread, the online learning is widely use in any institution. The online learning system quality, user-friendly interface and modern graphical can increase the level of user satisfaction. This paper describes how the use online learning in institutions to put on the good amount of engagement opportunities for students to experience and learn in high quality course provided. For this research, the preliminary study has been conducted to determine the best methodology for the development of the system. The methodology use for this project is ADDIE model. This flexibility model helps to develop the system step-by-step and provide effective quality design, coherent content and incorporate visualization. After some research, the method use for this project is using HTML5 based approach including canvas element that have potential to make the webpage an appearing browser and support widespread webpage support. The canvas element is the main element in this project. The canvas drags and drop function add more interactivity to the web pages since it can control the graphic, image and text with a scripting language. The drag and drop canvas can help to move the elements and place it to another place. The feature is aimed to be implemented in this project to provide the user the activity after some learning. The functionality test and result show the positive outcome hence, the important part in canvas drag and drop are able to function successfully. In conclusion, this project can give a high system quality that will increase the interest of the user that challenge with online learning and give the benefits to user to perform in their course. 

 Tracking Calories Intakes for Malaysia’s Food Using Image Recognition on Mobile Application 

Health problems such as obesity due to unhealthy eating habits are increasing worldwide including Malaysia. It makes the individuals involved potentially suffer from serious diseases such as stroke and cardiovascular disease. This is because according to numerous studies, Malaysians are less sensitive to the nutritional content in their daily diet as well as less awareness in maintaining good health. With today’s technological advancement along with the help of computer vision and database of food, the process of acquiring information of food’s nutritional facts is become effortless especially on mobile application where it is involved food image recognition and nutritional facts. Some of the application are commercially available, however, most of the available application has low applicability on Malaysia’s food due to lack of information available for Malaysia to use. This project proposes a system that could solve all those problem by creating a mobile application that will recognizes images of Malaysia’s food including provides a library of Malaysia food’s nutritional facts. The development of this project will be involved 4 phases which follows the Waterfall model of System Development Lifecycle (SDLC) but every phase is connected to each other and can be reviewed as well as changed when it is necessary. In addition, the mobile application developed with Android operating system using native mobile application framework which is Flutter framework. Therefore, users with any Android mobile phone can use this application. As this application created, it will offers users to practice a healthy life in a very convenience manner because the availability of tracking calories intakes using food recognition as well as weight management based on user information. The result from the accuracy test shows that the total accuracy is 99.2 % while the total of lost is less than 1%. Thus, the probability to get the accurate result while user using the application is high. All of the process will involve cloud database, Tensorflow, and many others software that are essential for this development.