Kod club (SH: 190)
Activities 2021
Activities/Programs | Submission date | Date and time | Requirements | Status |
1) Sharing Career webinar | 15 April 2021 | 1 May 2021 (Sabtu) 8-12 PM Speaker: Ex-student Speaker: Linked-In Moderator: | Proposal C form Cover letter Poster Promotion Attendance Feedback form Report Honorarium | Progress Progress Progress Progress Progress Progress Progress Progress Progress |
2) Webinar: The future of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data | 13 May 2021 | 12 June 2021 (Sabtu) 8-12 PM Speaker: Big data Speaker: AI Moderator: | Proposal C form Cover letter Poster Promotion Attendance Feedback form Report Honorarium | Progress Progress Progress Progress Progress Progress Progress Progress Progress |
3) Carnival innovation FSKM and webinar FYP | 10 June 2021 | 24 July 2021 8-12 PM Speaker: Lecturer Moderator: | Proposal C form Cover letter Poster Promotion Attendance Feedback form Report Honorarium | Progress Progress Progress Progress Progress Progress Progress Progress Progress |
1) Kesemua program anjuran kelab dan persatuan pelajar di bawah naungan FSKM perlu menyerahkan poster, laporan bertulis, video serta gambar kepada Unit Korporat FSKM untuk tujuan hebahan dan penerbitan di WOW NEWS/ UiTM NEWSHUB.
2) Bagi tujuan hebahan, poster program beserta caption tersebut perlu dihantar kepada Unit Korporat FSKM dalam tempoh satu (1) minggu sebelum program bermula untuk tujuan hebahan ke Instagram uitm_fskm.
3) Bersama-sama ini dilampirkan pautan email Unit Korporat FSKM untuk tindakan semua fskmnews@uitm.edu.my
1st Online Meeting for Programs in 2021 (Mac-Sept)