Archive October 8, 2021

Assessment (Mobile programming)


Quizzes : 10%
Lab Assignment : 30%
Test 1 : 20%
Test 2 : 20%
Group Project : 30%
Total: 100%
Passing grade : C ( 50 % )

Test 1: 20% (6/12/2021)

Date: 6/12/2021 (Monday)
Time: 8.15 – 9.15 am
Duration: 1 Hours (excluding submission time 15 minutes)
Chapter 1-4
Part A – Objective- (20 questions) – 20 marks
Part B – Subjectives (2 short questions) – 30 marks
Offline and not open book test
Just type your answer in the paper and attach it as .pdf file in UFuture.

Hint: Code the xml file. So please remember everything to code the layout in xml.


Test 2: 20% (26/1/2021)

Date: 26/1/2022 (Wednesday)
Time: 10.15 – 11.15 am
Duration: 1 Hours (excluding submission time 10 minutes)
Chapter 5-8
Part A – Objective- (20 questions) – 20 marks (Close book)
Part B – Subjectives (2 short questions) – 30 marks (Open book for Part B (Question 2 only)

Just type your answer in the paper and attach it as .pdf file in UFuture.

Hint: Code the xml and java file.


Lab assignment: 30% (5/12/2021)

This lab assignment is an individual assignment. Students can discuss and refer to any related resources as long as they manage to design and develop the mobile app by themselves. In this lab assignment, students are required to use Android Studio IDE.

This lab assignment is about personal app. It is meant that students can share information about themselves such as:

  1. About me (One page only)
  2. Skills (One page only)
  3. Hobbies (One page only)

Note: Please use your own creativity to develop the above pages.

It also has quick links to UiTM Website and iStudent Portal.

App icon and splash screen should be included.

There are several elements to take into the consideration in developing the mobile app.

  • Navigate Drawer
  • TextView
  • Button/ImageButton
  • ListView
  • WebView
  • Imageview

Students have two weeks to finish this lab assignment. For the time being, I will evaluate it using your mobile phones. In case if you don’t have any android device, I will evaluate it through the emulator.

Please see the appendix for the example of the mobile app pages.

Appendix: The example of the mobile application pages are shown as below:

What to submit:

  1. Project files
  2. Video of the app

Put both of the files in the google drive and share the link in the UFuture (I will create the assignment in UFuture later).

The evaluation rubric

Description 3 pages existed in the applicationAll 5 features are used in the application The application is correctly developed without errorThe view of the interfaceThe completion of the application

Group project:

10%(proposal) – 17/12/2021

20%(Mobile App) – 31/1/2021

Group project requirement

This group project is especially designed as a platform for students to improve their soft skills such as logical thinking, critical thinking, problem solving, programming and esprit de corps. The ideal group size is 4 – 5 members. It is recommended that the group size is as small as possible. By doing this, perhaps each student will give full commitment to the project. This is to make sure that there is no sleeping partners in the group. A project leader is appointed and responsible to the success of the group.

The time duration of the group project is seven weeks starting from assigning the project title until the project presentation.

Each group is required to provide with the followings:  

  1. Proposal/report document (softcopy)
  2. Project file mobile application (softcopy)



  1. In Power Point 
  2. Font type: Times New Roman / Arial
  3. No. of slides: 10 – 15 slides
  4. Cover page – course, group, project title, prepared by and prepared for


  • Title
  • Problem statement
  • Objectives – 2 to 3 objectives
  • Scopes
  • Members’ particular details – ID and name & Job assignment
  • User interface design
  • Database design – ERD
  • Methods/techniques applied 


Please ensure that the mobile application adheres to the following conditions:

  1. The mobile app has login & logout functions. Only the registered users can access the mobile app based on their authorizations.
  2. The database is either SQLite or MySQL. For those who use MySQL database will be rewarded extra marks.
  3. The CRUD functions for at least one table.
  4. Produce a simple report from the database.


  • Students must use Android Studio IDE to develop the mobile application.
  • Students may have a local host to locate the MySQL database server, in case they are using the MySQL database.
  • The mobile application is run on pc/laptop and viewed by using the android emulator/android device because the lecturer need to see the source code in order to evaluate the students’ understanding on the subject matter.

The evaluation rubric

  1. Report
 5 – 4 marks3 – 2 marks1 – 0 mark
1.     OrganizationThe contents are organized and explained very wellThe contents are less organized and explainedThe contents are notorganized and explained at all
2.     ContributionAll requirements and objectives are identified, evaluated and completedAll requirements are identified and evaluated but some objectives arenot completedMany requirements and objectives are not identified, evaluatedand/or completed
  • Mobile App
 5 – 4 marks3 – 2 marks1 – 0 mark
1.     UserInterfaceInterface is neat and well organizedInterface is reasonably neatInterface is untidy and not organized
2.     Run without errorRuns smoothly and without errorsRuns but with some errors  Still contain error or warning
3.     CorrectnessApplication is according to theoriginal proposal and givescorrect outputApplication follows the original partially or givessome incorrect outputApplication is completely incorrect 
4.     DatabaseCRUD functions for at least one table without errorsCRUD functions for at least one table with some errorsNo database used at all

The full marks are 30 marks in which 10 marks for the report and 20 marks for the mobile app.

Course syllabus & Schema of work (Mobile programming)

This course introduces students to programming technologies for designing, building and publishing related to internet programming. It provides students with fundamental knowledge and techniques required to access device capabilities, current technologies and standards, operating system for Software Development Kit (SDK) and mobile programming. Upon completion, students should be able to create an efficient application for mobile devices.

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Construct practical skills in mobile programming
  • Determine scientific skills in mobile programming
  • Display leadership skills in managing a mobile programming project

Course Syllabus

(11/10 – 15/10)
Introduction to the course

Start Entrance Survey (11-24 October)

Lecture ebooks:
(18/10 – 22/10)

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Mobile Programming
1.1 Internet and networking
1.2 HTML, XML and CSS
1.3 Java
1.4 Mobile Apps architecture
1.5 Mobile Apps vs. Web Apps
1.6 Android vs. IOS

Lecture note 1:
Introduction to Mobile Programming
Lab 1:
Installation and develop my first app
(25/10 – 29/10)

Chapter 2 – Android Operating Systems
2.1 History
2.2 Features
2.3 Version
2.4 Android architecture
End Entrance Survey

Lecture note 2:
Android Operating Systems
Lab 2:
XML and layout in Andriod
(1/11 – 5/11)

Chapter 3 – Android studio
3.1 Getting Started
3.2 First App
3.3 AndroidManifest File
3.4 Activities, Fragment, Services, Intent and UI Widgets
3.5 Layouts
3.6 Containers
3.7 Menu
Start Lab assignment – 30%

Lecture note 3:
Android studio
Lab 3:
UI view in Android
(8/11 – 12/11)

Chapter 4 – Developing Application I
4.1 UI Widgets
4.2 Data and Time
4.3 Toast
4.4 Containers
4.5 Menu
Lecture note 4:
Developing Application I
Lab 4:
Android widgets
(15/11 – 19/11)

Chapter 5 – Developing Application II
5.1 Fragment and Intent
5.2 Notification
5.3 Material Design
5.4 Navigation

Lecture note 5:
Developing Application II
Lab 5:
Andriod navigation
(29/11 – 3/12)

Chapter 6 – Mobile Database

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Database design
6.3 Database connection
6.4 Database access using SQL

Project briefing (Create groups)

Submit lab assignment – 30% (5/12/2021)

Start group project – 30%

Lecture note 6:
Mobile Database
Lab 6:
Android database(SQLite)

(6/12 – 10/12)

Test 1 – (20%)
Test 1 – (6/12/2021) (20%)

Lab 7
Android database(MySQL)
(13/12 – 17/12)

Chapter 7 – Implementing CRUD
7.1 Login and Logout and registration
7.2 Add, Retrieve, Update & Delete Operations
7.3 Reporting
7.4 Searching
Project proposal submission (17/12/2021)

Lecture note 7:
Implementing CRUD
Lab 8
(20/12 – 24/12)

Chapter 8 – Testing and Publishing Apps
8.1 Mobile application and delivery
8.2 Testing mobile application
8.3 Application distribution

Start Student Feedback Online (SuFO)

Lecture note 8:
Testing and Publishing Apps
Lab 9
Testing and publishing
(27/12 – 31/12)CUTI KHAS PERAYAAN
(3/1 – 7/1)

Group project preparation

Lab 9: 
Project preparation
(10/1 – 14/1)

Group project preparation

Lab 10: 
Project preparation
(17/1 – 21/1)

Group project preparation

Start Exit Survey (17-30 January 2021)
Start Exit Student Feedback Online (SuFO (20/12/2021 – 6/2/2022)

Project preparation
(24/1 – 28/1)

Test 2 – (20%)

Test 2 – (26/1/2022) (20%)

End Exit Survey
End Exit Student Feedback Online (SuFO)

Project preparation
(31/1 – 4/2)

Group project presentation
Submit group project – 30% (31/1/2021)
Group project presentation (3-4/2/2022)

Study week