Assessment (Introduction to Interactive Multimedia)

Assessment (Introduction to Interactive Multimedia)


Lab assignment – 20%
Group project – 20%
Test 1 – 10%
Test 2 – 10%
Final assessment – 40%
Total : 100%
Passing grade:C (50%)

Test 1 – (10%)-(8/12/2021)

Topic 1 – 6

Objective and subjective

Test 2 – (10%)-(26/1/2022)

Topic 7 – 12



Individual lab assignment – (20%) (before 3/12/2021)

Poster is one of the best ways to advertise and deliver your message to the end user. Your goal is to create a promotional poster for upcoming event of your organization. You need to plan on how you want to organize the information so that it is easy to the people to capture the message.

Detail for poster as per following:

  • Size                 : A4
  • Resolution       : 300 dpi
  • Language        : Malay / English

ORIGINALITY: Since we’ve been doing some tutorials and you’ve been honing your skills; I do want to see clear evidence that you are learning to create your own effects rather than relying on simply copying and pasting. 90% or more of the cover design has to be of your own ORIGINAL creation. At this point all of your layers must skillfully blend seamlessly together.

 All pictures must be of high quality, high resolution images. You will save your work as a .jpg file and .psd. Include all of the following text elements into your cover: 

* Event title

* Organization logo 

* Sponsor logo (if any)

* Event details: Time, date, venue, contact person etc. (Use your date of birth for date, and venue is a place in your hometown

* Picture of the main speaker(s) / guest(s) (Use your own picture)

* Images and graphics related to cover

* Other related information 


Upload the project file (.psd) and exported poster in .jpg file format in the assignment (UFuture). Assignment will be created later.


Marking Rubric

Group project – (20%) (25/1/2021)

GROUP PROJECT (4 persons)


  • Project Storyboard (5%)-(24/12/2021)

Students are required to prepare a project storyboard. The storyboard must use computer generated (Microsoft PowerPoint / any presentation tool ) format.

*please include important information (group members’ name, matrix no., group name, group (class) on your project storyboard cover.

Marking Rubric:


Duration               : 5 to 7 minutes

Delivery medium : YouTube Channel

Language            : English/Malay

Subtitle                 : English/Malay

Features : Green screen, transition, music background, sound effect, spoken speech

You can choose any theme listed for your video.

  1. Healthcare
  2. Nature
  3. Family / friends
  4. Corporate
  5. Drama
  6. Education

Marking Rubric:

Final Examination – (40%) (10/2/2021) Thursday

Time: 9 – 12 PM

All chapters included.

izzad Ramli

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