Install for android (PhysioUiTM)

Install for android (PhysioUiTM)

  1. Download APK file to your android phone by clicking the button DOWNLOAD as below.

Note: This instruction based on android phone VIVO 1820. Sometimes the steps/display will be a little bit different based on the model/brand of the android phone.

  1. Your android phone will show recommend apps to open the file. Click drive or browser to view the APK file.
  1. If you click browser, the display will be shown to you as below. Just click DOWNLOAD.
  1. After download, just open with package installer.
  1. The PhysioUiTM app will be installed to your android phone.
  1. Done installation. Just click open.

  1. So the PhysioUiTM will be running in your android phone. DONE

izzad Ramli

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