For Examiner (FYP)


Title– Working title that clearly reflects the project.
– Should put attribute related.
Introduction– Explained the background of the project clearly.
– Describe the research background properly and lead to problem statement.
Problem statements– Well defined problem statement.
– Provides exceptionally clear context supporting rationale for project;
– A clear statement of why the project is needed.
– Latest citation in problem statements (less in 5 years).
Objective– Specific, achievable, measurable, realistic and timeliness objectives.
– Objective 1 should contain to study/examine/ certain algorithm/technique used in the project.
– Objective 2 develop with the technique used. Must mention the technique used.
– Objective 3 functionality test.
– All objective must have relationship.
Scope– Scope in details, user, platform, datasets.
Literature review– Thorough review of relevant and empirical sources, citing seminal works in the field.
– Explain the review about algorithm/method related to the project.
– Literature review must have many citations and every page must have citation.
– Technique explained.
– Similar work with citation and comparison.
Methodology– Highly reflects the following elements: Approach; Methods; Design and Deliverables
– Explain the chosen method in methodology and result how you use that method.
– Must explain the details about the method or algorithm.
– Need to start with use case, flowchart, pseudocode, interface, ERD and etc.
– Preferable to put research/project framework.
Result and discussion– Explain the technique and how it was implemented.
– Put all the output from the project and discuss.
– Explain the result clearly. Functionality test is mandatory to be conducted.
Conclusion– Conclusion mention all objective achieved or not.
– Describe the limitation.
– Explain about the future works.
Citation and reference– All citation should be available in reference.
– Right citation formatting.
– FYP must more than 15 citations. More is better with the latest citation (within 5 years)

Virtual machine Window 10

Read the manual first and do the installation. Then, you need to book your time to use it in the link given below. you may choose to use virtual desktop 1 or 2 depend on the availability of the virtual desktop. Only 1 hour is provided for each student, but if there are no student waiting in the next hour you may book and continue to use it. This virtual desktop contains software: Android studio, Adobe photoshop, animate and premier pro. Any data transferring to the virtual desktop with your computer only drag and drop.

Virtual desktop (PC1)

Password: adobe001

Windows user password: fskm-user-2021

Virtual desktop (PC2)

Password: adobe002

Windows user password: fskm-user-2021

eMPK Group 10

MUHAMMAD IZZAD BIN RAMLI’s Personal Room | 1766435558

Join by video system
Dial and enter your host PIN .
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join by phone
+60-3-9212-7625 Malaysia Toll
+60-3-20-585-339 Malaysia Toll 2
Access code: 176 643 5558

LDK – Unit 2: Jobseeker EssentialsNEXT profile17/5/2021 (Isnin)8.30 – 10.30 Malam
LDK – Unit 3: Shout Your TalentResume, cover letter, 1 minute video resume22/5/2021 (Sabtu)9 – 11 Pagi
LDK – Unit 4: Ace your Interview22/5/2021 (Sabtu)2 – 4 Petang

Tarikh terakhir untuk penyerahan tugasan: 25/5/2021

Disertakan 2 pautan (link) google form untuk diberikan kepada pelajar pada Sesi terakhir modul LDK.

Pautan eMPK Feedback Form





Penghantaran tugasan:-

  1. Resume & cover letter – in PDF
  2. 1-2 minutes video resume – pautan (link) sahaja yang telah dimuatnaik di youtube
  3. Menjawab maklumbalas (1 & 2)
  4. Melihat video dan membuat rumusan setiap sesi yang anda tidak hadir (dalam 200 patah perkataan). Sertakan juga alasan atas ketidakhadiran anda.

Pautan penghantaran tugasan berdasarkan program pengajian adalah seperti berikut:

Nota: Buat satu file dan namakan nama penuh anda, kemudian masukkan semua file yang diminta dalam file tersebut.

LDK – Unit 2: Jobseeker Essentials

Password: uXDePNe6

LDK – Unit 3: Shout Your Talent

Password: GcCG3m8u

LDK – Unit 4: Ace your Interview

Password: 7tGEmjyp


  • Select a title that is appealing
  • It should capture the attention of the readers and want them to read your work
  • It may capture a debate-type question, refer to an important issue for corporations,  policymakers, etc.
  • It must be consistent with what you do in the paper. Some titles are misleading
  • Articles with short, catchy titles are often better cited
  • Avoid long titles 
  • Do not contain rarely-used abbreviations (unless they are well known. e.g. FDI, R&D)
  • A good title should contain the fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents of a paper