Izzad Ramli, Nursuriati Jamil, Noraini Seman. An Iterated Two-Steps Sinusoidal Pitch Contour Formulation For Expressive Speech Synthesis. (In publication process) (BEST PAPER)


Izzad Ramli, Nursuriati Jamil, Norizah Ardi. Formant Characteristics of Malay Vowels. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 9(1), 2020, pp. 144-152

Muhammad Azizi Mohd Ariffin, Muhammad Izzad Ramli, Mohd Nazrul Mohd Amin, Marina Ismail, Zarina Zainol, Nor Diana Ahmad, Nursuriati Jamil. Automatic Climate Control for Mushroom Cultivation using IoT Approach,” 2020 IEEE 10th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), Shah Alam, Malaysia, 2020, pp. 123-128


Nursuriati Jamil, Izzad Ramli and Norizah Ardi. Formant characteristics of Malay vowels of Perlis, Kelantan And Terengganu. Journal of Information and Communication Technology. Volume 18 (4), 2019, pp. 529-544

Nursuriati Jamil, shahrul Raimie, Raseeda Hamzah and Izzad Ramli. Food recognition of Malaysian meals for the management of Calorie intake. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering. Volume 8, No.1.6, 2019, pp. 355-360 (BEST PAPER)


Izzad Ramli. Grammar-based Prosody Modification for Explicit Control Malay Language Storytelling Speech Synthesis. Universiti Teknologi MARA 2018.

Izzad Ramli, Nursuriati Jamil, Norizah Ardi, and Raseeda Hamzah. Emolah: A Malay Language Spontaneous Speech Emotion Recognition on iOS Platform. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.15) (2018), pp. 151-156


Izzad Ramli, Nursuriati Jamil, Noraini Seman, and Norizah Ardi. The First Malay Language Storytelling Text-to-Speech (TTS) Corpus for Humanoid Robot Storytellers. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 2017,9(4S), pp. 340-358


Izzad Ramli, Noraini Seman, Norizah Ardi, and Nursuriati Jamil. Rule-Based Storytelling Text-to-Speech (TTS) Synthesis. In MATEC Web of Conferences, vol. 77, p. 04003. EDP Sciences, 2016.

Izzad Ramli, Noraini Seman, Norizah Ardi, and Nursuriati Jamil. Prosody Analysis of Malay Language Storytelling Corpus. In International Conference on Speech and Computer, 2016, pp. 563-570. Springer International Publishing, 2016.

Izzad Ramli, Nursuriati Jamil, Noraini Seman, and Norizah Ardi. An Improved Pitch Contour Formulation for Malay Language Storytelling Text-to-Speech (TTS). IEEE Industrial Electronics and Applications Conference (IEACON 2016), 2017, pp. 250-255.


Izzad Ramli, Nursuriati Jamil, Noraini Seman, and Norizah Ardi. An Improved Syllabification for a Better Malay Language Text-to-Speech Synthesis (TTS). Procedia Computer Science 2015, 76, pp. 417-424.

Nursuriati Jamil, Izzad Ramli, and Noraini Seman. Sentence boundary detection without Speech Recognition: A Case of an Under-Resourced Language. Journal of Electrical Systems 11 (3).


Nursuriati Jamil, Izzad Ramli, Zainab Abu Bakar and Noraini Seman. Prosody-Based Sentence Boundary Detection of Spontaneous Speech. 5th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and and Simulation, pp. 311-317.