Assignment 1 (Compression)

Every student should come out with an MATLAB GUI for image compression.

  • Find out 1 method for lossless and lossy to be used in this assignment.
  • Create an option, where the user may select to use the lossless or lossy method.
  • Your report should less than 5 pages and describe the method you use for lossless and lossy methods.

You GUI maybe look like this but much more better and contain option to select lossy or lossless method.

Due date: 10/5/2021

Chapter 1 – Review of Image processing Topics

• Image acquisition

• Image enhancement

• Image reconstruction

• Color Image Processing

Note: This chapter 1 is about a review of image processing that you have been learn last semester in MRD 501. Just go to the page of these chapters to learn more. No slide are provided.

Note: Upload the group project presentation from MRD 501 using this link


Chapter 1 – Review of Image processing Topics

Chapter 2 – Image Compression

Chapter 3 – Morphological Image Processing

Chapter 4 – Image Segmentation

Chapter 5 – Representation and Description

Chapter 6 – Object Recognition

Chapter 7 – Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) and DICOM Telemedicine


Assessment (MRD 531)


  • Assignment (20 % )
    • Assignment 1 :
      • 15 % GUI Compression (Submission deadline 10/5/2021-Monday)
      • 5 % Mind map (Submission deadline 28/6/2021-Monday)
  • Test (50%)
    • Test 1 : 25 % (tentative date : 24-28/5/2021)
    • Test 2 (Final exam) : 25% (tentative date : 27/7/2021)
  • Group Project (30%)
    • Project development : 20 % (Final submission deadline: 25/7/2021)
    • Project presentation: 10% (Final submission deadline: 25/7/2021)