Archive October 16, 2022


Capture picture

Course introduction

Chapter 1.1 – Review of Object Oriented Programming Concepts

Chapter 1.2 – Review of Object Oriented Programming Concepts (Inheritance)

Chapter 2 – Introduction to Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE)

Chapter 3.1 – Web Component – HTML and Servlet

Chapter 3.2 – Web Component – HTML and Servlet

Chapter 4.1 – Web Component – Java Server Page (JSP)

Chapter 4.2 – Java Server Page (JSP) 

Chapter 5 – Java Database connectivity

Chapter 6 – Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) Components

Chapter 7 – Development of Enterprise Application

Chapter 8 – Packaging and Deployment of Enterprise Application

Past Year Questions

Assessment (MRD 501) – ICEPS


  • Assignment (20 % )
    • Assignment : 20 % (Submission deadline 18/6/2022)
  • Test (20%)
    • Test : 20 % (tentative date : 18/6/2022)
  • Individual Project (20%)
    • Project Files : 15 % (Final submission deadline: 11/7/2022)
    • Project video: 5% (Final submission deadline: 11/7/2022)
  • Final Examination (40%)
    • Test : 40 % (tentative date : 27/7/2022)

Assignment (20%) – (18/6/2022)

Assignment need to be done by students are the lab assignment based on the 5 lab lessons. All 5 lab assignment need to be submitted at week 9. Please export to .pdf file and upload in the UFuture.

Test (20%) – (18/6/2022)

Offline test (week 5) will be conducted and only cover chapter 1 and 2. This is close book test. Student will get a set of question through Whatapps and need to submit it within 1 hours by uploading to UFuture.  

  1. Download question paper in format .doc from Whatapps.
  2. Answer all the questions in 1 hours by modifying the file.
  3. Save and sent the modified/answered paper file (.pdf) through UFuture.
  4. That all. Don’t worry.

Individual project (20%) – (11/7/2022)

Student need to submit a mini project using Matlab that has GUI (Graphical User Interface) that can modify an image and get some output from that. 

  1. The student need to develop a GUI (Graphical User Interface) project during the semester and submit at the end of semester. 
  2. The project must contains all of the following features:
    1. Read image file
    2. Convert to grayscale
    3. Convert to binary/BW
    4. Crop the image
    5. Function to enhance the image such as noise filtering, edit contrast and etc (at least 3).
    6. Save the output image in a project file.
  3. Submit the project file with your 5-10 minutes video (make it short but can cover all) presentation explaining your project. Must include yourself explaining the project.

Final examination (40%) – (27/7/2022)

Date: 27/7/2022

Time: 2.15 PM – 5.15 PM

Duration: 3 Hours

Location: Examination hall

This examination will cover all of the chapters (1-4).

Subjective questions and contain 2 parts:

  1. Part A (3 questions – 45 marks)
  2. Part B (5 questions – 65 marks)


  1. List, calculation, define, explain, draw, elaborate, suggest, state, discuss, difference.
  2. No coding.
  3. Question has more marks need more explanation.

Course syllabus & Schema of work (CSC 501)-ICEPS

This course is intended to enable students to understand the underlying principles of digital image formation and their applications in medical imaging areas. It is structured to acquaint the students with basic understanding and applications of image processing concept, common techniques and mathematical foundations.

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Explain the basic theories, concepts and various image processing techniques related to digital image processing.
  • Solve problem related to image processing in medical imaging using various image processing techniques.
  • Demonstrate teamwork skills through group lab task on digital images, using MATLAB.

Course Syllabus


Course introduction

Chapter 1.1 – Introduction to Image processing
• What is image processing
• Applications of image processing
• Image processing Hardware

Chapter 1.2 – Introduction to Image processing
• Human visual perception
• Electromagnetic spectrum
• Image properties
• Image aqcuisition
• Spacial & gray-level resolution
• Zoom & shrinking

Start Entrance Survey
Start assignment (16/4/2022)
Chapter 1 & 2 

Lecture note 1:
Introduction to Image processing

Lab 1: MATLAB installation

Lab 2: (Watch)
Complete MATLAB guide
Introduction to MATLAB

Lab 3: (Watch)
Lab lesson 1 (Introduction)
Download image

Chapter 2.1 – Image Enhancement (Spatial domain)
• Histogram processing
• Graylevel transformations

Chapter 2.2 – Image Enhancement (Spatial domain)
• Image smoothing
• Image sharpening
• Logical and arithmetic operations

Chapter 3 

Lecture note 2:
Image Enhancement

Lab 4: (Watch)
Lab lesson 2 (image fundamental)
Download image

Lab 5: (Watch)
Lab lesson 3 (image enhancement using point processing operation)
Download images

Lab 6:
Lab lesson 4 (image enhancement using arithmetric operation)
Download images

Chapter 3 – Frequency Filtering

Chapter 3 

Lecture note 3:
Frequency Filtering

Lab 7
Lab lesson 5
Download images

Chapter 4.1 – Color Processing
• Color models
• Color segmentation

Chapter 4.2 – Color Processing
• Color smoothing and sharpening


Submit assignment – 18/6/2022
Start individual project – (18/6/2022)
Test – (18/6/2022) – Not confirm

Chapter 6 

Lecture note 4:
Color Processing

Lab 8:
Basic GUI (Text field & button)

Individual project

Start Student Feedback Online (SuFO)

Lab 9
Basic GUI (Slider)
Basic GUI (Pop-up menu)

Lab 10: (Watch)
Basic GUI (Plotting data to Axes)
Basic GUI (Insert image to Axes)

Lab 11: (Watch)
Project preparation and discussion
Final Test
(11/7/2022)(Not confirm)

Submit individual project (11/7/2022)
Final test – (11/7/2022)-Not confirm

Exit Survey
Exit Student Feedback Online (SuFO)