- Working title that clearly reflects the project.
- Select a title that is appealing.
- It should capture the attention of the readers and want them to read your work.
- It must be consistent with what you do in the paper. Some titles are misleading.
- Create clear, short, catchy titles are often better cited.
- Avoid very long titles.
- Make it look like a project/product/prototype not a research title.
- Mention technique/method used in the project.
Example of titles:
- Uitm Bus ETA Mobile Application using Predictive Analysis
- Intelligent Mobile Speech To Speech Translation
- Smartphone Ranking using Sentiment Analysis
- Travel with Pet Mobile Application using Web Scrapping Dom Parsing
- Development of Mobile Application with Malay Hadith Search Engine
- Mobile Application with Malay Traditional Pantun Search By Text Image
- Mobile Nutrition Tracker using Total Daily Energy Expenditure Multi Point Tracking System – Childcare Tracking System
- Mobile Apps – Emergency Guidance Development of Digital Storytelling Based on Guided-Narration using Voice Controlled
- Mobile Application Interactive Storytelling: History of Melaka
- Yalla Hajj: Hajj Guidance with Muslim Pilgrims’ Mobile App using Storytelling Approach
- Development of Mobile Application with Hajj and Umrah
- Mobile Messaging Application using Aes Algorithm Encryption
- Parametric EFWITH Estimation Model with Mobile Apps
- Android Voting System with Mpp Election using Facial Recognition Authentication Process
- Sensor Based Drowsiness Detection Application
- Mobile Apps with Insuline Control with Gestational Mellitus Diabetes (GDM) Patients
- Vaccine Passport Mobile Application
- Student Internship Application
- Online-Onsite Mobile Apps with Makeshift Food Seller
- Uitm Sport Facilities Booking App
- QR Code Application with Coupon College
- Encrypted Messaging Application using 3D-AES Algorithm
- Waste Sorting System using Deep Learning with Recyclable Material (Mobile Apps)
- Ride-Hailing App on and Off Campus (Mobile Apps)
- Social Story Telling with Autism Learning (Mobile App)
- Social Story Telling with Autism Learning (Mobile App)
- Supermarket Checkout Apps with Budget Tracker and Recommendation System
- Himpunan Kisah Nabi Apps
- Mobile Application with Disable-Friendly Smart Parking System
- Melanoscan: Skin Cancer Detection in Mobile Application
- Mobile-Based Make Up Beauty Recommender with Malaysian Skin Tone
- E-Waste Smartbin Disposal App
- Mobile Application Shift Scheduling using Optimization and Visualization
- Education App with Learning History of Melaka with Maps
- Augmented Reality Science Learning Cards Mobile App
- Interactive Folklore Storytelling App with Voice Recognition
- Kid’s Perwithmance Tracker using Mobile App
- Augmented Reality To Learn Introduction To Interactive Multimedia (Mobile Apps)
- Mandarin Speaking Assist with Introvert: A Mobile App
- Wayz-To-Clazz: Indoor Nagivation Mobile App To Find Ways To Class in KPPIM
- Real-Time Group Tracking Application
- Virtual Shoe Closet: A Camera-Based Sneakers Shopping App
- AI-Powered Skin Health Care App with Face Scanning with Women
- Credit Transfer System (Web-Based)
- Budget Management System (Web-Based)
- Analysis on Different Method of Visualization on Most Liveable Capital City
- Cleaning Services Outsourcing using Web Scrapping
- Auto Keyword Extraction with Text Summarization in Single Document Malay News Article
- Retrieval of Sentences From Al-Quran
- Japanese-Malay Language Translator
- Sentence Selection Algorithm with Automatic Malay Text Summarization
- E-Faraid System
- Depressive Mood Analysis System Among Youth on Twitter in Malaysia
- A Quick Response(QR) Based System with Student Attendance
- RIG Membership System using MVC-Based Framework
- Context-Aware Self-Manage Attendance System
- Abnormality Detection on Solar Monitoring System using Data Visualization
- 2D Simulation of Controlling Traffic Light Sequence
- Fitness and Bodybuilding Coach with Youngster using Rule-Based Technique
- Attendance Monitoring and Reporting Application using Crowdsourcing Technique
- Timetable Generator with Level 2 Primary Schnool Students using Constructive Approach
- Content-Based Document Search
- Employee Worktime Tracking using Geofencing
- Location Based Application with Tawaf Assistance using Geofencing
- Exploring Trends in Digital Addiction using Data Visualization
- Faulty Detection with Underground Tank using Data Visualization
- Household Income Visualization using Multidimensional Techniques
- Data Visualization with Uitm Enterprise Risk Management System
- Smart Robot with Covid-19 Patient
- Real Time Interactive Finder with Uitm Shah Alam
- Interactive Learning Content with Data Visualization on MOOC
- Dashborad of Autism Learning Progress with Autism Children
- Determine The Ripeness of Fruit using Image Processing
- Applying Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (Dsass) Tool in Digital Storytelling
- Attention Retention Approach in MOOC Learning Environment
- Melanoma Skin Cancer Detection System
- User Experience Measurement using Uitm Enterprise Risk Management
- E-Learning Content with Basic Programming using Permissive Approach
- Speech Therapy with Autism Children
- Video Content Managemnt with Educational Purposes
- Intelligent Way Finder with Hospital Uitm
- Learning Daily Du’as Platwithm with Children
- Voice Translator of Basic Spoken Words To Sign Language Symbol
- Belum Temenggor Fauna Visualization using Multidimensional Techniques
- E-Muslim Traveller: Locating Place with Jama’ and Qasar Prayer using Haversine Method
- Belum Temenggor Flora Content-Based Image Retrieval
- Covid-19 : Indoor Premise Control Movement using Qr Code
- Learning Daily Du’as Platwithm with Children
- Taranum Training using Freeman Code Contour Matching
- Data Visualization with Uitm Enterprise Risk Management System
- Drag and Drop Graphic-Based Function in Creating Storytelling
- Automatic Short Answer Marking using Inwithmation Extraction
- Park+Alert: Revolutionizing Parking Violation Assistance At Uitm Shah Alam
- Web Design with Academic Advisors and Students
- Uitm Bus Live Tracking with Visualization using GPS
Game and VR/AR
- Exposing Early Childhood on Good Character Education Via Interactive Storytelling Games
- Interactive Location Based Gps Game in Shah Alam
- Firefighter Training Simulation in VR
- Immersive Experience of E-Commerce Product using Augmented Reality
- Interactive Game To Learn Addmath with Students
- Enhancement of Serious Game Elements in Pharmacy Learning Application
- Gamification in MOOC
- 2D Simulation of Controlling Traffic Light Sequence
- Immersive Product Experience using Augmented Reality
- Learning Rainwithest Plant using AR
- Interactive Digital Map with Shah Alam
- Interactive Game To Learn Addmath Multi-Label Classification on Music Audio
- Virtual Reality: Handballxplore
- Tourism Game: Walk CuLture
- Interactive Digital Storytelling: A Cat’s Journey
- Fitfocus, Stay Fit, Stay Healthy
- Ar Digital Storytelling with Speech Delayed Kids
- Borneo Culture Musuem Via Non-Immersive 3d Walkthrough
- Interactive Games: Digital Escape Quest
- Tirani: A Novel Digital Storytelling
- Learn & Play Sign Language
- Interactive Virtual Reality: Learn Programming
- Botanical Knowledge: A Gamified Approach To Malaysian Flora Education
- Wild Rescue Heroes: An Interactive Storytelling
- Digital Storytelling: Life As A Victim
- Taste of Malaysia: A Culinary Educational Game
- Borneo Cultural Virtual Museum: A Digital Storytelling
- Augmented Reality: Educational Virtual Zoo
- The Dusun Language Quest: Preserving Heritage Through Play
- Fireguard VR Game in Workplace: Reducing Motion Sickness using Teleportation Method
- The Adventure of Kinabalu Game using Flocking and Swarm Algorithm To Non-Playable Character
- Multiplayer Application of Virtual Reality Flood Simulation
- NPC Based Language Learning in Immersive Environment
- Autiheart: Navigating Emotions Game
- Virtual Reality of First Aid Training on Soft Tissue Injuries with First Responders
- Educational Game: Fun Run with Math Year One
- Interactive Game of Folklore Stories: Legend of Mahsuri
- AR Visualization of Chemical Reactions on The Periodic Table
- Immersive Game-Based Learning with Programming Language Through Visualization
- “Whispers of The Past: Our Cultural Narrative” Interactive Storytelling on Sabah Intangible Cultural
- Heritage
- Campus Indoor Navigation using Augmented Reality
- An Educational Game with High School Physics
- Flameguard: Interactive Game with Fire Emergency Preparedness
- Exploring Malaysian History Through Immersive Game-Based Learning
- Diary Atok: Exploring Malay Cuisine Through Interactive Games
- Barista Bliss: A Platinum Café Game Simulation
- Gamification: Digital Audio Workstation
- Aroma: Local Cuisine Exploration
- Katakana Quest Game
- JPJ Simulation Test Driving Game
- Rhythm Game: Rhythmic Fusion
Artificial intelligence
- Ideal Weight Prediction From Wearable Data using Genetic Algorithm
- Cgpa Predictor using Data Mining Decision Tree Prediction Technique
- Best Flight Path Prediction using Djikstra and Regression
- Scammer Detector with Online Advertisement By using Principle Component Analysis (PCA)
- Halal Detection System By using Pattern Recognition
- Local Fruit Tree Leaf Disease Detection using Pattern Recognition
- Learning Disabilities Recognition System using Neurophysiological Computational Approach
- Driver Behaviour Through Speech Emotion Recognition System
- Human Fall Activity Recognition using Convulational Neural Network
- Malaysian Children and Teenagers Anthropometic Sizing System By using Clustering Technique
- Speech Features Analysis By using Visualization Techniques
- Foodai: Calorie Counter with Malaysian Food Based on Deep Learning Object Detection
- Stories Summarization in Al-Quran using Neural Network
- Waste Materials Classification using Image Processing and AI
- Web-Based Search By Image using CNN
- Halal Hair Care Product Recommender System using Web Scrapping
- Recommender System with Travel Places in Malaysia
- Online Book Recommender System By using Collaborative Filtering
- Cooking Recipes Rating Based on Sentiment Analysis
- Semantic Analysis on Product Review using X Algorithm
- Fake News Detection on Social Media using Sentiment Analysis
- Detection of Racism in Malaysia using Sentiment Analysis
- Online Shoes Recommender System with Potential Buyer using Apriori Algorithm
- Jobs Failure Classification using Cloud Datasets
- Resource Utilization Prediction in Cloud Data Centers
- Tarannum Tone Recognition
- Mood Prediction Based on Menstrual Cycle
- Plant Identification using Image and Machine Learning
- Local Skincare Recommender System using Web Scrapping
- A Prototype with Detection of Autistic Children Based on Analysis of Handwriting Image
- Voice Translator of Basic Spoken Words To Sign Language Symbol
- Prediction of Football Matches Based on Players’ Statistics
- Factor Scoring and K-Means Algorithm To Predict Student Counselling
- Emotion Recognition using Speech with Children with Learning Disability
- Food Recommender using Collaborative Filtering and Geofence Method
- Text Recognition System
- Autism E-Marketplace: Intelligent Chatbot
- Detection and Classification of Tuberculosis (Tb) Based on Chest X-Ray Images using Deep Learning
- Multilingual Sentiment Analyzer using Corpus-Based Approach
- Digital Road Sign Detection with JPJ Test By using OpenCV
- Improving Secondary Student Pronunciation Skills Through Gamified Questions and Speech Recognition
- Image Recognition with Malaysian Kueh
- Optimizing Silat Gayong Moves: Posture Detection and Correction
- Song Recognition System: Tunetide
- Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction Tool
- Autistic Kids Emotion Recognition
- Jawi To Bahasa Melayu : Image Recognition
- Malaysian Sign Language Finger Spelling
- Intelligent Conversation Virtual Pet with Mental Health using Natural Language Processing
- Automated Voice Recognition Tajwid Checking System
- Japanese Mastery: Japanese Characters with Beginners with Handwriting Recognition
- Tasbeehtally: Your Dhikr Companion using Speech Recognition
- Facial Emotion Detection with Autistic Children using CNN
- Mango Leaf Disease Recognition using CNN
- Optical Mark Recognition with MCQ Grading
- Dermatology Skin Image Analysis with Uitm Students using CNN
- Automated Generation of Ingredient Inwithmation From Malay Food Images
- Twisted Fairy Tales using AI
- AI Spelling Tutor System with Children