For Examiner (FYP)

For Examiner (FYP)


Title– Working title that clearly reflects the project.
– Should put attribute related.
Introduction– Explained the background of the project clearly.
– Describe the research background properly and lead to problem statement.
Problem statements– Well defined problem statement.
– Provides exceptionally clear context supporting rationale for project;
– A clear statement of why the project is needed.
– Latest citation in problem statements (less in 5 years).
Objective– Specific, achievable, measurable, realistic and timeliness objectives.
– Objective 1 should contain to study/examine/ certain algorithm/technique used in the project.
– Objective 2 develop with the technique used. Must mention the technique used.
– Objective 3 functionality test.
– All objective must have relationship.
Scope– Scope in details, user, platform, datasets.
Literature review– Thorough review of relevant and empirical sources, citing seminal works in the field.
– Explain the review about algorithm/method related to the project.
– Literature review must have many citations and every page must have citation.
– Technique explained.
– Similar work with citation and comparison.
Methodology– Highly reflects the following elements: Approach; Methods; Design and Deliverables
– Explain the chosen method in methodology and result how you use that method.
– Must explain the details about the method or algorithm.
– Need to start with use case, flowchart, pseudocode, interface, ERD and etc.
– Preferable to put research/project framework.
Result and discussion– Explain the technique and how it was implemented.
– Put all the output from the project and discuss.
– Explain the result clearly. Functionality test is mandatory to be conducted.
Conclusion– Conclusion mention all objective achieved or not.
– Describe the limitation.
– Explain about the future works.
Citation and reference– All citation should be available in reference.
– Right citation formatting.
– FYP must more than 15 citations. More is better with the latest citation (within 5 years)

izzad Ramli

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