Recognise flowers using CNN in MATLAB with GUI

Recognise flowers using CNN in MATLAB with GUI

This video is about the development of flower recognition system using CNN in MATLAB.
  1. Download the flower dataset.
  2. Put in the same path with the digit dataset.
  3. Open MATLAB go to the desktop directories.
  4. Click ANN.m file to open.
  5. Adjust the flower dataset file path based on your flower dataset location.
  6. Adjust the parameters to meet with the new dataset.
    • imageInputLayer([28 28 1]) change to imageInputLayer([50 50 3])
    • comment numTrainFiles = 200; to %numTrainFiles = 200;
    • numTrainFiles = 4800 * (PercentageTrainFile / 100); change to numTrainFiles = 20 * (PercentageTrainFile / 100);
    • fullyConnectedLayer(8) change to fullyConnectedLayer(4)
  7. Once done click run.

That’s all 🙂

izzad Ramli

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