Background of study

Background of study

As in any kind of writing, it is necessary to present the background or the scenario or the current situation relating to the issue or the focus of the research. In a story, it is known as scene-setting presented in prose so the reader will understand what the current situation is. This section also explains why it is necessary to conduct research in order to address the issue, the step of indicating a gap. The background can be started with:

  • An existing situation that is common knowledge or which has been researched into earlier.
  • The present study attempts to build on or even counter the earlier findings.
  • A statement relating to something ordinary with reference to our everyday lives.

The opening line in the background of the study is usually the “kicker” of the writing process just as the whole introduction chapter is the jumpstart of the thesis.

Please give at least 5 citations to support your introduction. Your reference doesn’t have to be the latest because maybe some references refer to the basic fundamental or highlight certain past researchers.

Example introduction for chapter 1

This chapter discusses the research background that drives this project and the reasons why it is important. Following an explanation of the problem statement, which clarifies the problem to be solved, comes the study’s scope, which establishes the project’s main objectives. The research questions and objectives are then presented, which briefly outline the project’s progression and finally provide an idea of what to anticipate from this study. At the end of this chapter, the study’s importance for this project will also be discussed. 

Example of background of study (Aqilah Saibah – CS230)

Gestational diabetes mellitus is a condition where a woman has a high blood sugar level during their pregnancy. Approximately 87.5% of all diabetes in pregnancy, is gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) (Lefkovits et al., 2019). There are two classes of gestational diabetes which are type 1 and type 2. Women with type 1 can manage it through diet and exercise and those who have type 2 need to take insulin or other medications. GDM usually happens in the second half of pregnancy. Usually, the time range where the doctor will check for GDM is between week 24 and week 28. But if you are at high risk the doctor will check sooner. (Common knowledge about the topic selected)

Diagnosing women with GDM is crucial during early pregnancy to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity. Based on the current screening guidelines, there will be two tests to diagnose GDM. According to Iftikhar et al. (2020), the first diagnostic consist of a 50 g of oral glucose challenge test performed after 24 weeks gestation, followed by a second diagnostic test guideline. If the patient is at high risk but the test results are normal, the doctor might test again later in pregnancy to get the confirmation. This will require more time to do the screening again. A lot of research in cohort studies has been made using predicting modeling techniques where the patients are followed up routinely. (Describe more on common knowledge and focus on a certain area)

However, according to Qiu et al. (2017), the studies on risk factor analysis did not consider the details of gestational trimesters. The risks for GDM can be predicted in the first trimester of pregnancy according to the mix of maternal demographic and characteristics.

If we can predict disease earlier, we can improve health and improve outcomes (Sundeep Bahn, 2017). The machine learning algorithm is one of the AI techniques that are capable to predict the percentage of a pregnant woman who diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus earlier. Machine learning methods application can give worthy information and prediction on health risks based on the electronic health record dataset. According to Shinde and Rajeswari (2018), the recent machine learning algorithms progress in designing and applying it on Electronic Health Record (EHR) dataset has given positive results. Machine Learning algorithms facilitate the development of intelligence into a machine. Hence, it can perform better in the future using the experience that has been learned. In this research, the early prediction of GDM will be made based on multiple common risk factors of the pregnant woman. (Highlight the importance of this research)

izzad Ramli

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