Conclusion and recommendations

Conclusion and recommendations


  • A clear conclusion section help editors and reviewers to judge our work easily
    • Keep it brief.
    • Summarise the motivation/purpose of the study, what we did, and what we found.
    • State the key conclusions.
    • Do not cite (old or new) referencesin this section.
  • Discuss the implications of the findings.  Are the findings:
    • supporting a given theory?
    • solving a corporate problem?
    • helping managers and policymakers to make better decisions or design new strategies?
  • If possible, discuss broader implications of the findings for the society, governments, investors, etc.
  • Do not overstate the findings, however. The implications must be based only on the evidence reported in the paper. Do not exaggerate the results.
  • No speculative statement.
  • Recap the objectives and explain on how you achieved that objectives.
  • State the limitation of the project.
  • Possible future work recommendation.

Example outline for results

Example of conclusion and recommendation

izzad Ramli

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