• Packaging components
• Packaging Java EE applications – EJB
modules, Web modules
• Deployment Descriptors
• Deployment Tools

• Packaging components
• Packaging Java EE applications – EJB
modules, Web modules
• Deployment Descriptors
• Deployment Tools
• Choose the Java EE Architecture and
Java EE pattern
• Design the Web components – HTML
and JSP
• Develop Java Beans and Servlets
• Construct the JDBC connectivity with
the enterprise application
• Define Java Bean – create java bean
• Describe the custom bean properties
and events
• Describe types of EJB – session beans,
entity beans and message driven beans
• Define Java Bean – create java bean
• Describe the custom bean properties
and events
• Describe types of EJB – session beans,
entity beans and message driven beans
• Overview of java database
• Define JDBC API
• Describe the various JDBC drivers
• Identify JDBC products
• Describe the 2-tier server client model
• Setup JDBC connection to a database
with JSP and Servlet
• Create and Execute SQL statement
• Describe ResultSet Object
• JSP processing
• Predefined variables
• JSP directives
• Associating properties with input parameters
• Forwarding requests from JSP
b) Servlets
• Creating & Running Servlets
• The Servlet API
• HTML forms
• Session tracking
• Database programming in servlets
• HTML basic formatting tags and
• HTML div span, list, images, hyperlink,
table and
• HTML form and headers
a) Java EE Platform
• Role of Application Servers
• Java EE Architecture (MVC, Spring)
• Java EE Patterns
• Java EE Components (Web
components, EJB)
b) Inheritance & Polymorphism concepts
• Inheriting instances fields and methods
• Method overriding
• Access levels – public, protected,
• Abstract super classes and methods
• Interface