Archive March 23, 2021

Assessment (CSC 584)


  • Lab Assignment 1 – 10% (10/5/2024) Extended (10/5/2024)
  • Lab Assignment 2 – 10% (14/6/2024) Extended (21/6/2024)
  • Test (30%)
    • Test 1 : 10 % (tentative date : 24/5/2024) – FRIDAY
      • Time: 3.00 – 4.30 pm
      • Chapter 1,2,3 and 4
      • Online (close book test)
      • 25 objective questions (25 marks)
      • 20 short subjective questions (25 marks)
    • Test 2 : 30% (tentative date : 5/7/2024)
      • Time: 10.00 – 11.30 am (1.5 hours)
      • Chapter 5,6,7 and 8
      • Objective and subjective questions
      • Physically at DK 2/3 (will be decided later)
  • Group Project (40%)
    • Proposal storyboard : 10 % ( Submission deadline 3/5/2024) Extended to (6/5/2024)
    • Project development : 25 % (Final submission deadline: 5/7/2024) Extended to (5/7/2024)
    • Project presentation: 5% (Final submission deadline: 5/7/2024) Extended to (5/7/2024)

Individual Assignment 1– 10% (10/5/2024) Extended (10/5/2024)


Need to submit as assignment in Ufuture on 10/5/2024.

What you need to do:

  • Make a personal webpage that contain your personal information such as your picture, name, hobby, age, interest (video).
  • Include login and logout features with validation.
  • Must use JSP and servlet files for web development.
  • At least 2 pages (main & second view pages).

Please export your project file into .zip and upload in the UFuture (assignment). Other than .zip format will not be accepted.

Individual Assignment 2– 10% (14/6/2024) Extended (21/6/2024)


Need to submit as assignment in Ufuture on 14/6/2024.

What you need to do:

  • Extend the project in the assignment 1.
  • Add user registration page and the new user data is stored in the database. (Username and password).
  • User authentication for only registered user.
  • Add a feedback/inquiry form (name, email and feedback/inquiry).
  • Create a page that display all the feedback/inquiry.

Please export your project file into .zip with database file and upload in the UFuture (assignment). Other than .zip format will not be accepted.

Group project

Group Proposal – (3/5/2024) Extended to (6/5/2024)

Group Presentation and Report – (5/7/2024) Extended (5/7/2024)

Web Application Project (CSC584) – Group project

1.  Project title

You need to propose a title from the following theme (Pick ONLY one theme):

  • Catering management system
  • Wedding Event management system
  • Record management system (example: Crime record, book record, donation record)
  • Sport management system (example: stadium seat, futsal hall)
  • Electricity management system
  • Water Supply management system
  • Reward management system (example: employee reward)
  • Final Year Project management system
  • Property management system
  • Patient information management system

Note: If you have another theme to do let me know.

2. The web application project should be developed using Model View Controller framework. The project should have the following content and features:

  • Create / Read/ Update / Delete (CRUD)
  • Database – at least 4 tables
  • Registration with form validation.
  • Login / Logout with session management.

3. Project Evaluation

a) Project storyboard (10%)

  • Design the flow/ structure of the application.
  • Design a database with more than four tables.

b) Final web application project (20%)

  • Develop a web application using MVC framework
  • Prepare a user manual on how to use the system.

c) Live Presentation (10%)

  • Prepare to present your web project.

4. Submission guideline

  1. A report (Just extend the proposal with adding user manual/system flow/result of the system)
  2. A project file in zip (using netbean export)

Note: Only group leader submit all the three files in the Ufuture.

5. Rubrics for proposal and final project

Course syllabus & Schema of work (CSC 584)

The course is designed to introduce students to intermediate level Java programming language and produce students who are able to solve extensive computer-based and enterprise web-based problems. It emphasizes various aspects of problem solving and develop applications using enterprise component technologies.

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Apply object-oriented concepts in architecture of Java EE technology
  • Propose problem solving in architecture of Java EE technology
  • Display practical skills in enterprise application based on Java EE architecture and technology

Course Syllabus

(18/3 –22/3)

Course introduction

Course introduction
Introduction to Enterprise Programming

Lab 1: 
Netbean installation
1) Basic concept of java programming
(25/3 – 29/3)

Chapter 1.1 – Review of Object Oriented Programming Concepts
a) Object Oriented Programming Concepts
    • Objects, classes, packages

Lab: Basic concept of java programming
Start Entrance Survey (25 Mac – 7 April 2023)

Lecture note 1:
Review of object-oriented programming
Lab 2:
2) Basic concept of classes

Lab 2: (OTHERS)
2) Review of object oriented programming

(1/4 – 5/4)

Chapter 1.2 – Review of Object Oriented Programming Concepts (Inheritance)
b) Inheritance & Polymorphism concepts
• Inheriting instances fields and methods
• Method overriding
• Access levels – public, protected,   
• Abstract super classes and methods
• Interface

Lab: Inheritance & Polymorphism
End Entrance Survey (25 Mac – 7 April 2023)
Project briefing (Create groups)
Start proposal – (10%) Example project proposal

Lecture note 1.1:
Review of object-oriented programming (Inheritance)
Lab 3:
3) Inheritance

 Lab 3: (OTHERS)
3) Review of inheritance and polymorphism
3) Polymorphism
8 – 13 April 2024Special break (Raya Aidilfitri)
(15/4 – 19/4)

Chapter 2 – Introduction to Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE)
a) Java EE Platform
• Role of Application Servers
• Java EE Architecture (MVC, Spring)
• Java EE Patterns
• Java EE Components (Web  
  components, EJB)

Lab: Servlet

Start Lab assignment 1 – (10%) Due (10/5/2024)

Lecture note 2:
Introduction to Java Enterprise Edition

Lab 4:
4) Creating servlet in netbeans
4) Servlet-1

Lab 4: (OTHERS)
4) Introduction to Java Enterprise Edition
(22/4 – 26/4)

Chapter 3.1 – Web Component – HTML and Servlet
      • HTML basic formatting tags and 
      • HTML div span, list, images, hyperlink, 
        table and
     • HTML form and headers

Lab: Servlet

Lecture note 3:
Lab 5:
5) Servlet-2
5) Creating servlet with HTML in netbeans

 Lab 5: (OTHERS)
5) Web technology and introduction to servlet
5) Servlet-3 (postlab)
(29/4 – 3/5)

Chapter 3.2 – Web Component – HTML and Servlet
b) Servlets
• Creating & Running Servlets
• The Servlet API
• HTML forms
• Session tracking
• Database programming in servlets

Lab: Servlet

Submit Project proposal -(10%) (Due 6/5/2024)

Lecture note 3.1:
Servlets (continue)
Lab 6:
6) Session tracking using cookies
6) Session tracking using hidden form field
6) Session tracking using URLrewriting
6) Session tracking using HTTP Session
6) Session with login and logout using HTTP Session
Watch lab lecture class A & class C

Lab 6: (OTHERS)
6) Servlet (session tracking and database programming)
6) JSP
(6/5 – 10/5)

Chapter 4.1 – Web Component – Java Server Page (JSP)
       • JSP processing
       • Predefined variables
       • JSP directives
       • Associating properties with input 
       • Forwarding requests from JSP

Lab: JSP
Submit lab assignment 1 – (10%) Due (10/5/2024)

Project storyboard evaluation
 Example Javabean project

Lecture note 4:
Lab 7:
7) JSP scripting in Netbeans
7) JSP Implicit objects
7) JSP Directive

7) Web Component -JSP (Basic JSP, MVC JSP, JSP Construct)

(13/5 – 17/5)

Chapter 4.2 – Java Server Page (JSP) 

 • JSTL definition
• JSP using JSTL Tags

Lab: JSP using JSTL Tags
Start Lab assignment 2 – (10%) (Due 14/6/2024)
Lecture note 4:
Lab 8:
8) JSP with JSTL tags

Lab 8: (OTHERS)
8) Web Component -JSP (JSP Directives and JSTL tags )
8) Database & JSP
8) Database & JSP (postlab)
(20/5 – 24/5)

Chapter 5 – Java Database connectivity

• Overview of java database  
• Define JDBC API
• Describe the various JDBC drivers
• Identify JDBC products
• Describe the 2-tier server-client model
• Setup JDBC connection to a database 
   with JSP and Servlet
• Create and Execute SQL statement
• Describe ResultSet Object
Lab: Database
Test 1 – (10%) (24/5/2024)
(Chapter 1 – 4)
– 30 MCQ (Multi Choice Question)
– 3 subjective questions

Example test 1

Lecture note 5:
Java Database connectivity

Lab 9:
9) Database Connectivity in Servlet
9) Database Connectivity in JSP

Lab 9: (OTHERS)
9) Java Database Connectivity (Java Database connectivity)
9) Database & JSP (postlab)
27 May – 2 Jun 2024Mid term break
(3/6 – 7/6)

Chapter 6 – Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) Components
• Define Java Bean – create java bean
• Describe the custom bean properties  
   and events
• Describe types of EJB – session beans, 
  entity beans and message driven beans
Lab: Database & JSP

Lecture note 6:
Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) Components
Lab 10:
10) JavaBean in JSP
10) JavaBeans in JSP Tutorial

Lab 10: (OTHERS)
10) Enterprise Java Beans (JavaBeans and JSP)
10) Enterprise Java Bean 

(10/6 – 14/6)

Chapter 7 – Development of Enterprise Application
• Choose the Java EE Architecture and 
  Java EE pattern
• Design the Web components – HTML 
  and JSP
• Develop Java Beans and Servlets
• Construct the JDBC connectivity with 
  the enterprise application
Lab: JavaBeans in JSP
Start Student Feedback Online (SuFO) (10 Jun – 14 July 2024)
Submit lab assignment 2 – (10%) (Due 21/6/2024)

Lecture note 7:
Development of Enterprise Application

Lab 11:
11) MVC framework
11) MVC-DAO Framework

Lab 11: (OTHERS)
11) Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)
(17/6 -21/6)

Chapter 8 – Packaging and Deployment of Enterprise Application
• Packaging components
• Packaging Java EE applications – EJB 
  modules, Web modules
• Deployment Descriptors
• Deployment Tools

Lab: MVC framework

Lecture note 8:
Packaging and Deployment of Enterprise Application
Lab 12:
12) Java Application Deployment
 Lab 12: (OTHERS)
12) Development of Enterprise Application
12) Packaging and Deployment of Enterprise Application
(24/6 – 28/6)

Lab: Group project
Start Exit Survey (24 Jun -7 July 2024)

Lab 13:
Group project progress presentation

(1/7 – 5/7)

Lab: Group project

End Exit Survey (24 Jun -7 July 2024)

Group project presentation
Test 2 (5/7/2024)
Example test 2
(8/7 – 14/7)End Student Feedback Online (SuFO) (14 July 2024)
Study week
(15/7 – 4/8)

Group project presentation
Final Examination Week
Project presentation/submission (2/2/2024)
(5/8 – 6/10)Semester Break


SESI MAC 2024- SEPT 2024